
CONFIGURING lepton-conf


lepton-conf − Lepton EDA configuration utility


lepton-conf [OPTIONS] [PATH]


lepton-conf is a graphical user interface configuration utility for the Lepton Electronic Design Automation suite. It allows one to explore and modify the new-style settings stored in lepton*.conf ini-like configuration files. It performs essentially the same tasks as the lepton-cli(1) Lepton EDA command-line tool invoked with the config command, but in a more convenient way. However, it’s not a front-end to that utility; lepton-conf uses the liblepton configuration API directly.

To work with lepton-conf, one should be acquainted with the Lepton EDA configuration system. Information about it can be found in the reference manual:

For an overview of the lepton-conf main window layout and available controls take a look at the screenshots with annotations on the lepton-conf home page:

On startup, lepton-conf will load settings for the current directory, unless you specify PATH on the command line or instruct it to start in the last used directory (by passing -r command line switch or setting the [lepton-conf]::restore-last-dir key, see the section CONFIGURING lepton-conf below).

lepton-conf’s main window contains toolbar, tree view with configuration groups and keys and lower pane showing details about the currently selected tree node, configuration file and working directory.

Root nodes in the tree view represent different types of configuration: system-wide settings (loaded from the lepton-system.conf configuration file), user-specific settings (lepton-user.conf) and settings for the current directory (lepton.conf). There is also the default values node, under which you can find all available configuration parameters.

Actions on currently selected tree node are performed using toolbar buttons and/or context menu or keyboard shortcuts.

Normally, you edit configuration values with the Edit value dialog. However, there are special cases when the edit operation can be simplified. First, it is the so called "toggle" action. Many keys have values like true/false, yes/no, etc. You can simply double-click, click on the "Toggle" button or press the space bar to change the value. Second, there are values which can be edited with the special dialog boxes: this way you can change color, font, paper size and attributes list keys. Use the context menu to open these dialogs.

The toolbar have additional buttons: bookmarks and external tools. You can bookmark current directory to quickly open it later and add external commands to launch in the current directory.



Do not load default values on startup


Close window with ’Escape’ key


Legacy mode: use geda*.conf configuration files


Do not warn about missing configuration files


Print default settings in the *.conf file format and exit


Restore last working directory


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CONFIGURING lepton-conf

There are several keys you can set in the user configuration (in the [lepton-conf] group) to alter the behaviour of lepton-conf itself:

Allows you to close the main window by pressing the ’Escape’ key (the same as −e command line option). Either true or false. Default value: false.


External text editor for configuration files, launched when you click on the "config file" link in the lower pane of the main window. Specify a command to launch the editor. Default value: gvim.


Restore last working directory on startup, unless you explicitly specify the PATH to start with on the command line (the same as −r command line option). Either true or false. Default value: false.

Please note that currently these setting are loaded only from the user configuration (lepton-user.conf file).


dmn <graahnul.grom@gmail.com>


lepton-cli(1), lepton-upcfg(1)


Copyright (C) 2017-2022 dmn.

License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later. Please see the ‘COPYING’ file included with this program for full details.

This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.