lepton-pcb_backannotate − back-annotates changes from a PCB annotation file to schematic
lepton-pcb_backannotate −h|−−help
lepton-pcb_backannotate −V|−−version
lepton-pcb_backannotate [options] ecofile.eco infile1.sch ...
The lepton-pcb_backannotate program reads an engineering change order (ECO) file generated by the PCB program (using the Renumber() action) and back-annotates the requested changes to a lepton-schematic schematic(s). Currently it supports back annotation of reference designators (refdes).
−h, −−help
prints help message and exits
−n, −−nocopy
Leave the modified schematic files in new files whose names are generated by appending .new to the original file names. The default is to overwrite the original.
−v, −−verbose
operate verbosely
−V, −−version
prints version information and exits
lepton-pcb_backannotate will return 0 if all files processed successfully, non-zero if the command did not complete successfully.
Rather than parsing and processing schematic files directly, this utility should be rewritten using the Lepton EDA scheme API. This would take advantage of the existing parsers for the schematic files.
Dan McMahill <danmcmahill@netbsd.org>
lepton-netlist(1), lepton-schematic(1), pcb(1)
© 2003, 2006, 2010 Dan McMahill.
Copyright © 2003-2014 gEDA Contributors.
Copyright © 2018-2022 Lepton EDA Contributors.
License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later. Please see the
file included with this program for full details.
This is free
software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.