8.4 Installation of lepton-attrib

To install lepton-attrib from sources, just install Lepton EDA. See Installation.

Installation of lepton-attrib can be disabled with the option --disable-attrib on the configure stage:

autoreconf -ivf && ./configure --disable-attrib && make
sudo make install

Currently, lepton-attrib depends on the third-party library gtkextra which has to be installed on your system. On some systems you also need to install development packages containing C header files necessary for compilation. For example, on Debian, you would need libgtkextra-dev.

If you want to try new GTK3 interface, you have to install another library, gtksheet: https://github.com/fpaquet/gtksheet. Then use the --with-gtk3 for configure:

autoreconf -ivf && ./configure --with-gtk3 && make
sudo make install

If you install Lepton from sources to a place not known for your system dynamic linker, you may need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get it to work.

For example, if you use csh, do:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/user/lepton/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

For bash and the like shells:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/lepton/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH