The menu provides several modes for inserting symbols. All the modes are active until you switch to another mode or cancel it, for example, by hitting Esc.
Add → Component... (I or A C) opens the Add component dialog where you can choose a symbol to insert, choose the method of insertion, filter the symbols by names, or choose updating the symbols in your schematic.
Add → Net (N or A N) switches on net adding mode. If the mouse cursor is over the canvas, the insertion starts immediately and the first point of a new net is the point under the cursor. Otherwise you have to left-click on the canvas to start a net. Use another left click to finish it. In default configuration, the right mouse button click cancels the net adding operation but does not cancel the mode.
Add → Bus (Shift-B or A U) switches on bus adding mode. If the mouse cursor is over the canvas, the insertion starts immediately and the first point of a new bus is the point under the cursor. Otherwise you have to left-click on the canvas to start a bus. Use another left click to finish drawing it. In default configuration, the right mouse button click cancels the bus addition but does not cancel the mode.
Add → Attribute... (A A) opens the Add Attribute dialog where you can interactively choose the name and value of a new attribute as well as its visibility. The position of the attribute insertion corresponds to the point of the mouse cursor at which it was at the moment of the shortcut hitting.
Add → Text... (A T) opens the Add Text dialog where the user can type the text contents and choose its properties: color, size, alignment, and rotation angle. Hitting the ‘Apply’ button brings the text to the canvas and allows inserting it using the left mouse click. Hitting Esc cancels the insertion. Close the dialog by hitting the ‘Close’ button.
Add → Line (L or A L) starts line inserting mode. If the mouse cursor is over the canvas, the insertion starts immediately and the first point of the line is the point under the cursor. Otherwise you have to left-click to define the first point. Use the left mouse button click to finish the insertion or the right mouse click to cancel it.
Add → Path (A H) switches on path inserting mode. You have to left-click on the canvas to insert the first point of the path. Then move the mouse to the second point defining the first part of the path. If you depress the left mouse button and continue dragging, a bezier curve will be formed instead of a straight line. Another couple of left-clicks will be necessary then to define the form and the last point of the curve. You can insert several path segments in such a way. Double left-click defines the end point of the path. Hit Esc if you want to cancel making up a path.
Add → Box (B or A B) starts the box insertion mode. The box is defined by two points on the canvas. If the mouse cursor is over the canvas, the first point of a new box corresponds to the point under the cursor. Otherwise you have to left-click to define the point. Use another left-click to define the point of the second box corner. Hit Esc if you want to cancel making up a box.
Add → Circle (A I) starts the circle insertion mode. The circle is defined by two points on the canvas. If the mouse cursor is over the canvas, the first point of a new circle corresponds to the point under cursor. Otherwise you have to left-click to define the point. This point will be the center of a new circle. Use another left-click to define its radius. Hit Esc if you want to cancel making up a circle.
Add → Arc (A R) starts the arc insertion mode. An arc is defined by its center, radius, and its start and sweep angles. If the mouse cursor is over the canvas, the center point of a new arc corresponds to the point under the cursor. Otherwise you have to left-click to define the center point. Use another left-click to define its radius. Thereafter, the Arc Params dialog box will be shown. Whithin it, you can change the radius and angles of the arc. Press the ‘OK’ button in the dialog to apply changes or use ‘Cancel’ to cancel the operation.
Add → Pin (A P) starts the pin insertion mode. If the mouse cursor is over the canvas, the point under it will become the first, connectable point of the pin. Otherwise you have to define it by left-clicking on the canvas. Use another left-click to define the length of the pin. You may notice that originally the angle of the pin is the multiple of 90 degrees. This can be changed later by editing it. Don’t forget to edit the attributes of the new pin which are added and attached to it automatically.
Add → Picture... (A G) opens the Add Picture dialog box where you may choose a picture for insertion into your schematic. Select the picture you want in the dialog and click on the ‘Open’ button. Two left-clicks on the canvas will define its size. If you don’t want to insert the picture, click the ‘Close’ button in the dialog.