Options → Options... (O O) opens the Options dialog box where you can interactively select the below options related to snapping and net drawing mode.
Options → Font... (O F) opens the font chooser dialog where you can select your favorite font name and its style and then save it to your configuration.
Options → Grid + (]) increases the size of the snapping grid twice.
Options → Grid - ([) decreases the size of the snapping grid twice.
Options → Grid Style: Cycle Dots/Mesh/Off (O G) toggles one of two available styles of grid displaying or switches the grid off. The default is the ‘mesh’ style.
Options → Grid Snap: Cycle Grid/Resnap/Off (O S) toggles grid snapping modes. The default and mostly useful is the ‘grid’ mode. If it is selected, all objects on the page are snapped to the grid when you edit them. Switching the grid off may be useful for some artistic work with graphical primitives but is not recommended for connectible objects which may stop connecting if their connectible ends are not on the grid. The ‘resnap’ mode helps just in such situations: it allows you to move the objects or their points so they again snap to the current grid.
Options → Grips: On/Off (O I) toggles the visibility of grips on selected objects. Various objects have different grip position on them. However, all them can be edited only if you drag their points where grips should be. While grips may clutter your schematics when many objects are selected, it is often easier to edit them when grips are on, so this is the default setting.
Options → Feedback Mode: Outline/Box (O A) toggles the type of component displaying when the user moves them. When (default) ‘outline’ is selected, the user will see the usual appearance of components. Otherwise, when ‘box’ is selected, only the bounding boxes of objects will be shown when moving them. This may facilitate working on schematics on old slow hardware.
Options → Net: Rubberband On/Off (O R) toggles the rubberband mode for nets. If the mode is ON (default setting), the nets connected to an object you’re moving will change their size so they stay connected to the same points on the object. Otherwise, the connections will silently break leaving the connected objects unconnected.
Options → Net: Magnetic On/Off (O M) toggles magnetic snapping of newly created nets. If the switch is on, you will see a little circle at the point new net would join. Otherwise, no feedback is provided. The mode is ON by default.
Options → Coord Window (O C) opens a dialog window where you can watch the current position of your mouse cursor on the page in screen and world coordinates.
Options → Log Window (O L) opens the log window where you can see messages the program reports. Sometimes the messages are important, sometimes not. Anyways, look there if you think something went wrong.