14.2.13 documentation attribute

documentation=documentation_locator may exist somewhere in the symbol and be made invisible. This attribute is used by Lepton to find relevant documentation for the symbol, or rather, the device or component associated with the symbol.

Attach this attribute just like the device attribute (see device attribute). This is a freestanding or floating attribute.

documentation_locator is either the base filename of the documentation, or it is the complete Internet URL (Uniform Resource Locator). If it is the filename, an attempt will be made to search for it in the current working directory, and then in the system and user documentation directories, (usually ${prefix}/share/doc/lepton-eda and ~/.local/share/lepton-eda/doc/lepton-eda, check the output of functions user-doc-dir and sys-doc-dir in the (schematic doc) module to make it sure).

Filename example:


URL example:
