export group

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
alignlist of two doubles in the form ‘HALIGN;VALIGN’ or string ‘autoautoSet how the drawing is aligned within the page. ‘HALIGN’ controls the horizontal alignment, and ‘VALIGN’ the vertical. Each alignment value should be in the range 0.0 to 1.0. The ‘auto’ alignment is equivalent to a value of ‘0.5;0.5’, i.e. centered.
dpiinteger96Set the number of pixels per inch used when generating ‘PNG’ output.
fontstring"Sans"Set the font to be used for drawing text.
layoutstringautoPossible values: ‘auto’, ‘portrait’, ‘landscape’. When using a paper size, set the orientation of the output. If ‘auto’ layout is used, the orientation that best fits the drawing will be used.
marginslist of four integers in the form ‘TOP;LEFT;BOTTOM;RIGHT18;18;18;18Set the widths of the margins to be used (the minimal distances from the sheet edges; actual margins may be larger if the sizes of the chosen paper do not meet the sizes of the printed schematic).
monochromebooleanfalseToggle monochrome (‘true’) or color (‘false’) output.
paperstring"iso_a4"Size the output for a particular paper size. The default value depends on the current locale. Described in the PWG 5101.1 standard (Printer Working Group "Media Standardized Names"). Examples: ‘iso_a4’, ‘iso_a5’, ‘na_letter’.
sizelist of two doubles in the form ‘WIDTH;HEIGHT’ or string ‘autoautoSize the output with specific dimensions. If the size is ‘auto’, select the size that best fits the drawing. This overrides the paper key (see the previous entry).