6.2 lepton-netlist command-line arguments

Running lepton-netlist without arguments yields a prompt for the user how to run it properly or how to get help.

By running it with the option -h or --help you can get the actual list of optional arguments accepted on the command-line. lepton-netlist(1) man page also lists all of them, type man lepton-netlist in your terminal to open the page.

The basic usage is:

lepton-netlist [option ...] [-g backend] [--] file ...

Message output and diagnostics options:


Quiet mode. Turn off all warnings/notes/messages.


Verbose mode. Output extra diagnostic information.


Print a help message.


Print lepton-netlist version information.


Print a list of available netlist backends.

Netlist processing options:

-o file

Output the generated netlist to file. The default output name is output.net. If file is ‘-’ (dash), the output is directed to the standard output.

-g backend

Specify backend name backend which will be used to generate netlist data.

-f backend-file

Specify path to netlist backend file backend-file which will be used to generate netlist data.

-O string

Pass an option string to the netlist backend.


Enter the interactive mode. Run Scheme REPL instead of running a backend.


Treat all remaining arguments as schematic or symbol filenames. This may be useful if any of the filenames begins with ‘-’.

Scheme extensibility options:

-L directory

Prepend directory to the list of directories to be searched for Scheme files (Scheme %load-path). This option can be specified multiple times.

-c expr

Specify a Scheme expression to be evaluated at startup. This option can be specified multiple times.

-l file

Specify a Scheme script to be executed before loading a backend. This option can be specified multiple times.

-m file

Specify a Scheme script to be executed after loading a backend. This option can be specified multiple times.