13.4.12 path

Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files

Valid since: Fileformat version 2 (release 1.5.1)

type color width capstyle dashstyle dashlength dashspace filltype fillwidth angle1 pitch1 angle2 pitch2 numlines
path data line 1
path data line 2
path data line 3
path data line N
1colorintColor index
2widthint/milsWidth of line
3capstyleintLine cap style
4dashstyleintType of dash style
5dashlengthint/milsLength of dash
6dashspaceint/milsSpace inbetween dashes
7filltypeintType of fill
8fillwidthint/milsWidth of the fill lines
9angle1int/degreesFirst angle of fill
10pitch1int/milsFirst pitch/spacing of fill
11angle2int/degreesSecond angle of fill
12pitch2int/milsSecond pitch/spacing of fill
13num_linesintNumber of lines of path data (1 based)
14path data line 1 ... Npath dataThe path data, on separate lines


H 3 10 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 5
M 410,240
L 501,200
L 455,295
L 435,265

A path starting at (410,240) with lines drawn from there, and joining points (501,200), (455,295), (435,265), closing back to its origin. It has color index 3, is 10 mils thick, no cap, solid style. There are 5 lines of path data.