schematic.attrib group

Since 1.9.10.

The parameters in this group replace the deprecated options used to be set in gafrc files.

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
promotebooleantrueFormer gafrc option: attribute-promotion. Set if attribute promotion occurs when you instantiate a component. Attribute promotion means that any floating (unattached) attribute which is inside a symbol gets attached to the newly inserted component when it is instantiated. Since 1.9.10.
always-promotestring listfootprint;device;value;model-nameFormer gafrc option: always-promote-attributes. The list of attributes that are always promoted regardless of their visibility. Since 1.9.10.
promote-invisiblebooleanfalseFormer gafrc option: promote-invisible. Set if invisible floating attributes are promoted when a component is instantiated. Since 1.9.10.
keep-invisiblebooleantrueFormer gafrc option: keep-invisible. Do not change this option. Here’s the original description from the system-gafrc file:

If both attribute-promotion and promote-invisible are enabled, then this controls if invisible floating attributes are kept around in memory and NOT deleted. Having this enabled will keeps component slotting working. If attribute-promotion and promote-invisible are enabled and this keyword is disabled, then component slotting will NOT work (and maybe other functions which depend on hidden attributes, since those attributes are deleted from memory). Since 1.9.10.

symbol-attribsstring listnetname;footprint;value;refdes; source;model-name;model;net; device;numslots;slot;slotdef; graphical;description;documentation;symversion; comment;author;dist-license;use-license;fileFormerly the attribute names were given by using the gafrc keyword attribute-name several time in the file. Do not use this keyword any more.

The list specifies attributes presented in the ‘Add attribute’ and ‘Edit attribute’ dialogs. The user can add any attributes which should be listed there. The default names are specific for symbols and nets. Use pin-attribs for pins. While for now both lists are displayed together, this may change in future. The attribute names are case sensitive. The order of the names in the list determines the order they are displayed.

Note: The attribute names from parent configuration contexts are not inherited and will be overridden by the child context value. If the user will specify, e.g., ‘foo;bar’ here, only these two names are displayed.

Since 1.9.12.

pin-attribsstring listpinnumber;pinseq;pintype;pinlabelThe same as symbol-attribs but for pin attribute names. The attribute names are displayed in the ‘Add attribute’ and ‘Edit attribute’ dialogs along with names specified in that key. All notes about the symbol-attribs keyword are applicable here, too.

Since 1.9.12.