schematic.undo group

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
modify-viewportbooleanfalseAllow undo/redo operations to change pan and zoom.
undo-controlbooleantrueControls if the undo is enabled or not. Since 1.9.10.
undo-typestringdiskPossible values: ‘disk’, ‘memory’. Controls what kind of medium is used for storing undo data. The ‘disk’ mechanism is nice because you get undo-level number of backups of the schematic written to disk as backups so you should never lose a schematic due to a crash. Since 1.9.10.
undo-levelsint20Determines the number of levels of undo. Since 1.9.10.
undo-panzoombooleanfalseControls if pan or zoom commands are saved in the undo list. If this is enabled, then a pan or zoom will be considered a command and can be undone. Since 1.9.10.