13.4.7 text and attributes

Depending on context, text objects can play different roles. Outside any environment, they represent informative lines of text. When enclosed by curly braces, they are interpreted as attributes. See the attributes section.

Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files

type x y color size visibility show_name_value angle alignment num_lines
string line 1
string line 2
string line 3
string line N
1xint/milsFirst X coordinate
2yint/milsFirst Y coordinate
3colorintColor index
4sizeint/pointsSize of text
5visibilityintVisibility of text
6show_name_valueintAttribute visibility control
7angleint/degreesAngle of the text
8alignmentintAlignment/origin of the text
9num_linesintNumber of lines of text (1 based)
10string line 1 ... NstringThe text strings, on a separate line

Example 1:

T 16900 35800 3 10 1 0 0 0 1
Text string!

A text object with the origin at (16900, 35800), color index 3, 10 points in size, visible, attribute flags not valid (not an attribute), origin at lower left, not rotated, string: Text string!

Example 2:

T 16900 35800 3 10 1 0 0 0 5
Text string line 1
Text string line 2
Text string line 3
Text string line 4
Text string line 5

This is a similar text object as the above example, however here there are five lines of text.

Example 3:

T 10000 20000 3 10 1 1 8 90 1

A text object with the origin at (10000, 20000), color index 3, 10 points in size, visible, only the value of the attribute is visible, text origin at upper right, the text is rotated by 90 degree, the string: “R/W” has an overbar over the “W”.