Guile Scripts

list-keys-dmn.scm [ download ]
print lepton-schematic key bindings to stdout

shift-sel-to-pasted.scm [ download ]
make lepton-schematic shift selection to pasted objects
(i.e. when you copy and paste an object, the pasted one will be selected)

select-locked.scm [ download ]
select locked objects with (customizable) keyboard shortcuts:
- Ctrl+Shift+L: select all locked objects
- Shift+L: select next (cycle through locked objects)
- Ctrl+L: select locked objects under the mouse cursor
NOTE: locked object selection is a built-in function
of lepton-schematic as of git commit 9a835fe69
("gui/sellock: Remove unused function parameter."), 15/May/2023

lock-objs.scm [ download ]
lock all objects with lock=yes attribute on startup.
allows one to keep any objects locked (not only components)

load-gschemrc.scm [ download ]
when opening page, load gschemrc file from the page's directory
(unlike gafrc, gschemrc file doesn't automatically loaded unless
you start lepton-schematic in the directory where gschemrc resides)

quick.scm [ download ]
Select componenets, nets, attributes, texts with keyboard,
keys: q [c,n,a,t], e.g. press "q c" to select next component.
Quickly access schematic objects from the ":" prompt,
output results to the log window:
- prn(str): print str to the log
- pstr(): page contents as string
- sobjs(): list of selected objects
- sobj(): first selected object (#f if none)
- scomps(): list of selected componenets
- scomp(): first selected component (#f if none)
- cfgget(grp, key): get cfg key
- cfgset(grp, key, val): set cfg key in local ctx w/o save

symcache.scm [ download ]
save all symbols used in opened schematic(s) to "symcache"
subdir in current schematic's directory