1.1 The list of programs in the suite
Lepton EDA suite includes tools as follows:
- lepton-schematic—the main GUI tool for schematic capture
- lepton-attrib—spreadsheet schematic attribute editor
- lepton-netlist—a tool for making netlists from command line
- lepton-cli—a CLI tool providing support of configuration, export, and shell
- lepton-config—configure your tools
- lepton-export—export schematics to images and multipage documents
- lepton-shell—interactive processing of schematic data in Scheme REPL
- lepton-archive—project archivation utility
- lepton-tragesym—symbol generator
- lepton-embed—embed symbols and pictures into schematics
- lepton-pcb_backannotate—backannotate changes from PCB to schematic
- lepton-refdes_renum—renumber reference designators
- lepton-renum—an advanced refdes renumber utility
- lepton-sch2pcb—generate PCB layout from a set of schematics
- lepton-schdiff—view graphical diff of schematics
- lepton-symcheck—check symbol files for errors
- lepton-symfix—fix attributes in symbol files
- lepton-upcfg—upgrade gEDA config files to be usable in Lepton
- lepton-update—update obsolete schematics to the current version
The following contributed tools are not covered in this manual.
Mostly, those are for working with proprietary, often obsolete,
programs, so they are of limited use for most users. Please see
corresponding man pages for more information.