13.4.5 circle

Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files

type x y radius color width capstyle dashstyle dashlength dashspace filltype fillwidth angle1 pitch1 angle2 pitch2
1xint/milsCenter X coordinate
2yint/milsCenter Y coordinate
3radiusint/milsRadius of the circle
4colorintColor index
5widthint/milsWidth of circle line
6capstyleint/mils0 unused
7dashstyleintType of dash style
8dashlengthint/milsLength of dash
9dashspaceint/milsSpace inbetween dashes
10filltypeintType of fill
11fillwidthint/milsWidth of the fill lines
12angle1int/degreesFirst angle of fill
13pitch1int/milsFirst pitch/spacing of fill
14angle2int/degreesSecond angle of fill
15pitch2int/milsSecond pitch/spacing of fill


V 38000 67000 900 3 0 0 2 75 50 2 10 20 30 90 50

A circle with the center at (38000, 67000) and a radius of 900 mils, color index 3, line width of 0 mils (smallest size), no cap, dashed line type, dash length of 75 mils, dash spacing of 50 mils, mesh fill, 10 mils thick mesh lines, first mesh line: 20 degrees, with a spacing of 30 mils, second mesh line: 90 degrees, with a spacing of 50 mils.