13.4.4 box

Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files

type x y width height color width capstyle dashstyle dashlength dashspace filltype fillwidth angle1 pitch1 angle2 pitch2
1xint/milsLower left hand X coordinate
2yint/milsLower left hand Y coordinate
3widthint/milsWidth of the box (x direction)
4heightint/milsHeight of the box (y direction)
5colorintColor index
6widthint/milsWidth of lines
7capstyleint/milsLine cap style
8dashstyleintType of dash style
9dashlengthint/milsLength of dash
10dashspaceint/milsSpace inbetween dashes
11filltypeintType of fill
12fillwidthint/milsWidth of the fill lines
13angle1int/degreesFirst angle of fill
14pitch1int/milsFirst pitch/spacing of fill
15angle2int/degreesSecond angle of fill
16pitch2int/milsSecond pitch/spacing of fill


B 33000 67300 2000 2000 3 60 0 2 75 50 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

A box with the lower left hand corner at (33000, 67300) and a width and height of (2000, 2000), color index 3, line width of 60 mils, no cap, dashed line type, dash length of 75 mils, dash spacing of 50 mils, no fill, rest parameters unset.