13.4.2 line

Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files

type x1 y1 x2 y2 color width capstyle dashstyle dashlength dashspace
1x1int/milsFirst X coordinate
2y1int/milsFirst Y coordinate
3x2int/milsSecond X coordinate
4y2int/milsSecond Y coordinate
5colorintColor index
6widthint/milsWidth of line
7capstyleintLine cap style
8dashstyleintType of dash style
9dashlengthint/milsLength of dash
10dashspaceint/milsSpace inbetween dashes


L 23000 69000 28000 69000 3 40 0 1 -1 75

A line segment from (23000, 69000) to (28000, 69000) with color index 3, 40 mils thick, no cap, dotted line style, and with a spacing of 75 mils in between each dot.