13.4.3 picture

Valid in: Schematic and Symbol files

type x y width height angle mirrored embedded filename
[encoded picture data
encoded picture end]
1xint/milsLower left X coordinate
2yint/milsLower left Y coordinate
3widthint/milsWidth of the picture
4heightint/milsHeight of the picture
5angleint/degreesAngle of the picture
6mirroredcharMirrored or normal picture
7embeddedcharEmbedded or link to the picture file
8filenamestringpath and filename of a not embedded picture
9encoded picture datastringSerialized picture encoded using base64
10encoded picture endstringA line containing only a dot character

Example 1:

G 16900 35800 1400 2175 0 0 0

A picture object with the lower left corner at (16900, 35800). The width of the image is 1400 mils, and its height is 2175 mils. The picture rotation is 0 degrees and the picture is not mirrored, neither embedded.

The picture path and filename is showed in the second line.

Example 2:

G 16900 35800 1400 2175 0 0 1

A picture object with the lower left corner at (16900, 35800). The width of the image is 1400 mils, and its height is 2175 mils.

The picture rotation is 0 degrees, it is not mirrored, and it is embedded.

The picture path and filename is showed in the second line. Since this is an embedded picture, the filename and path are not used.

The encoded picture data is only an example (it is not real data). The last line containing a single dot ‘.’ character marks the end of the encoded picture data.